Tuesday, June 24, 2008

I'm so excited, and I just can't hide it!

Wow,'s been one hell of a weekend for me. Mom's gone. We got her out Friday and now she's settled in RI and hopefully at this moment, looking for a job and applying for state aid.

Saturday at 9 am, I started cleaning. Angie arrived at 11 am. And holy smokies, did we clean my downstairs! It's so clean now! I think the last time it was THIS clean, it was when we moved into the house!

I mention my friends a lot on this blog. That's because I am always doing somethign with them, and Saturday was no different. Sex toy parties are fun, but they are even more fun with all of your closest friends! I didn't buy a lot, but only because I HAVE so much already! LOL

Sunday was spent doing the Pagan thing, and again, all of my friends were there. It was awesome. I'd go into detail,'s just one of those things that is hard to explain how it was.

Monday, I spent planning BrittCon via emails with Britt, Hellohahanarf, Karl, & Poppy. I swear those folks are gonna make me bust a gut this weekend!


Today I will start packing my clothes and stuff. It is the last day of school for the girls, so it's a half day. I am thinking a trip to Dairy Queen to celebrate is in order, but I will see how much I get accomplished this morning with packing and organizing. Oh yeah, and getting a babysitter for Friday so I can get to NYC early to meet Hellohahanarf, since she flies in at like 0-dark-30 am! I totally don't care..this weekend is gonna rock!

I hope you all are having a great week so far! I'm off to read my blogroll!


9 flame(s) added to the fire:

Blondefabulous said...

That sounds totally AWESOME!!

Anonymous said...

I'm excited FOR will have such a great time with those people because they all rock hardcore :).

Karl said...

Can't wait to meet you and hang this weekend. It's gonna be a blast.

Miss Britt said...

Wait. Your kids are JUST NOW getting out of school? What the hell?? It's almost JULY!

whall said...

Sex toy parties are not for friends. Or family. Perfect for strangers tho.

Anonymous said...

I was not invited to your toy party. *pout*
I hope you have an incredible time this weekend. It's not like you need well wishes with that crowd though. :) I am so envious that they all get to hang out with you all weekend long. Take lots of pics.

Cissa Fireheart said...

Blondefabulocity - It totally is! I am so excited!

Hilly - I know it will be a good time, but you will be missed.

Karl - You bet it is! I look forward to finally meeting you all.

Miss Britt - yeah, they started the day after Labor Day, and had 3 snow days..that put the last day at June 24th. It sux, naturally, but not too bad because this year they start Aug 28th!

Wayne - they are better with friends, because then you hear all the deep dark sex secrets! hehe

Queenie - it wasn't my party, but if you were here IN Connecticut, I would most certainly have brought you! Maybe we will have one when I come visit? I'm still waiting on my plane ticket BTW :-P

Anonymous said...

gotta admit that i am happy that you will come meet me at the ass crack o dawn. yay!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to hear you're so excited about your trip. Your van will miss you though. ((pouts & a tear from the greenie)) lol

Okay, so I'm super bored here in the office and there really isn't much excitement. ugh.

See you bright & early tomorrow morning!!!