Tuesday, May 23, 2006

My Weekend - Day 1 - Friday

OK So Friday we packed up the truck (SUV, whatever)and drove the 45 minutes to Nessa's house. We were greeted by Nessa's little sister, who played with the kids for about20 minutes before Mom, who lives downstairs, whisked her away to dinner. We hung out and waited for Nessa and Dave to arrive. I figured out the satelite dish. I rock!

Nessa and Dave got home and we all chatted for a bit, joked around and stuff then got our asses moving to the BEST chinese food in Rhode Island. New Canton Restaurant is what all chinese food should be, in my opionion, and waiting a good 10 years before having it again was worth the wait. Form my first bite to last, I was in a perfect tatse-bud heaven. My god, my mouth is watering now, just thinking about it.

After dinner, we dropped of Dave, Hubby and the kids and went shopping for the shoes I had attempted to get in New London, but they didn't have them at the Burlington Coat Factory there. I tried on shoes, we did a little perusing, then got in line. Now, call me crazy, but if you KNOW you've got a store full of people, and it's closing time, wouldnt't you have as many registers as possible open to get said people out as fast as possible??? Apparently, Burlington Coat Factory did not feel this was necessary, and we waited in line for nearly 20 minutes to pay for the 2 measly pair of shoes (which got heavier and heavier by the minute, I will add). Thanks to my keen eyes, I found a shorter line, else we would have been there forever.

We got in the car and drove home. Soon after arriving back at Nessa's, Danielle (pronounced Don-yell)arrived and we had a good visit with her. She's the other main bridesmaid for Nessa's wedding, and I was glad to finally meet her. We told sories about weddings, childbirth, ex-girlfiends of our significant others. It was fun. They left about 10:30 and we hung out and watched TV a bit longer before Dave went home, and Hubby and I attempted to get some sleep.

Now, I love Nessa, love her to death, but I think I am going to buy her a new fucking couch, preferably a queen size futon. Her pull out couch was NOT comfy, as Hubby and I discovered, and much to my chargin, I slept like hell on it. But before I went to sleep, I watched part of a movie called "Crash". No, this wasn't the movie that won an Academy Award for best picture. This was a twisted movie about people who litterally got off on watching and being in car crashes. James Spader, Patricia Arquette, Holly Hunter and a few others had lots of sex, watched lots of crashes on video, and even got in a few themselves..then had sex thinkign aout it afterward. Very very strange movie. So, then after about an hour of it, we got bored and went to sleep....

That was Friday...I'll write abotu Saturday later on....

3 flame(s) added to the fire:

Anonymous said...

HEhe, sorry bout the couch :) Cmon though, you know it's reallllly attractive. I mean, it may be uncomfortable and all (even to sit on), but at least it looks damn good! Oh, hold on, I have to wipe some of this sarcasm off...

That Chinese place really was rocking, thanks for introducing me to something new!

It's funny you mention Crash- when I first heard about the movie, I heard it described as you just did. But then I saw the other one, and was like, what? I never realized there were 2 seperate ones. Brilliant, Vanessa.

Hope your walk and trip were fun, it was great seeing you guys!

Dr.John said...

Glad you had a great time. Every time I move to a shorter line it has some lady in it with credit card problems and takes longer than the long line. You are lucky.

B.R.L said...

glad you found some shoes and sorry you had such large lines to wait in. Shoe shopping for me is an ordeal have hard feet to fit.

Pull out couches seem to never be comfortable. My children always compain even when I bought a new couch to be comfortable.