Friday, January 20, 2006

On Pins and Needles

Today is January 20th. We are just past the middle of the month, but it's a point in time in the next 11-14 days that has me a nervous wreck. I have been freaking out internally for about...oh a week now, about this, and after a converstation with Hubby last night, I finally feel comfortable to talk to all of you about it.

The end of January, or very beginning of February, is the Physical Readiness Test, or PRT. The Navy has specific amounts of push-up, sit-up and a times run that all sailors must pass in order to further thier time in the Navy. If you fail any part of the PRT, not only do you NOT get to test for Promotion if you are up for it, you also get a strike. Three strikes, and you get discharged.

This is Hubby's last chance. I am freaking out.

For all the complaining I do about the Navy, and the life we live because of it, Most of my adult life I have been an Navy Wife. 7 years, 3 months and 8 days so far. The Navy has provided Us with shelter, pay, medical, just about everything. To think that we would be suddenly thrust upon the civilian world is a big scare to my system. For Hubby too, because for 11 years, most of HIS adult life, it's been his sole source of income, and the only job he knows how to do. All the knows is the rules, regualtions, etc. of the Navy. We simply don't know any other way.

One of my big concerns is: Where the HELL do we go? We don't own any land, or a house. We've rented or lived in Navy Housing the whole time. We'd have to go where the jobs are. It's a scary though to have a family of 4 suddenly not know what to do with their lives. The thing that I worry about most is where my childre will get a decent education.

It's also a sort of exhilerating concept. The thought of not having the Navy breathing down your neck.....the freedom to live where we want, possibly buy a house and get to PAINT WALLS??? I get giddy thinking about it....but then I realize I am not used to it, and change freaks me out.

Since this concept of possibly getting kicked from the Navy has been upon us, Hubby and I have searched Headhunter sites, and done looking around the area for jobs that He could do. But to be honest, though my family is all here, We really hate New England. It's just too damn cold. the weather is insane -- the last 3 days can be a testament to THAT. And not to mention, everything is EXPENSIVE AS FUCK up here. From gas to cereal, I am freakin' floored at the prices of stuff. Not knowing what kind of income we will have makes looking here worse and worse. Especially if he gets a civilian job with crappy benefits. Health insurance is insane up here.

Well, Hubby has gotten word of an opportunity if He does get the Boot. And it looks like he could make MORE than what he would in the Navy, including figuring benefits prices. The best part? We could live anywhere we wanted, and the company would bring him to and from home where the job is for the 2-3-4 weeks on/off schedule he chooses. After a long talk about this, I decided that this would not be bad at all. I could live with the shift differential -- its not much different than a Navy lifestyle, and also woud be great money. And then kicker of living wherever we want.....So....

Even though Hubby is going to try his best NOT to fail the PRT, if he does, well....I may be writing to you all from Sunny Florida, or even Dusty Texas in a few months.....I'll let you all know as soon as I do. In the mean time, keep your fingers crossed.

8 flame(s) added to the fire:

jeopardygirl said...

Fingers are crossed for you, either way!

Anonymous said...

Hi. Hubby is Navy and I was telling him about your post. He said to contact Lee Cohan at Lucas Group. He is ex-Navy and this is a job placement/career recruiting firm. Hope this helps.

Cissa Fireheart said...

TY Kathi. Lucas Group is one of the Headhunter sites we looked into. We are going to see what happens first before we start contacting people. But thanks for the suggestion! :)

Anonymous said...

I also wanted to say I hope he passes the PRT. Keeping my fingers crossed for him. Hubby had some dealings with Lee Cohan. David was a detailer the last shore duty and when he would go detailing trips, Lee would be there as a civilian career recruiter.

:P fuzzbox said...

No matter how the test comes out, I wish you and your family the best.

Shannon said...

Good luck to him. I remeber those days from my time as a Navy wife.

My ex is still in the Navy and he has always struggled with his weight so I'm sure he is stressing right about now as well.

Sassy said...

oh good luck to your Hubby!! I hope whatever happens, happens for the best!

Rebecca said...

Hmmm. Sounds like a contractor's job to me! :) (I'm an Air Force Contractor).

Well, whichever way it goes, it was meant to be! BTW, yes, things are expensive here in the Northeast - but as my parents just learned, even though housing is less expensive elsewhere, everything else is priced the same -or higher! They werent' too thrilled to see that. :)

Just a little plug for the good ol' NE. :)