Sunday, December 18, 2005

Sad Christmas Story - Part 3

The Happy Ending

Well, the next day came, and the doctor told me ONE MORE DAY. I couldn;t believe it. Did these people understadn the torture I was going through? And my child. if she wasn't getting better, why didn't they up the antibiotic levels? it drove me mad. And I was insane with boredom. I don;t know how I got through the day, mostly it's blank. I know I talked to Hubby again, and he had said they were leaving Guam to head home. He'd be home in 3 weeks!! The next day came and Emily's doc cleared her to be realeased!!! FINALLY!!! It was a long wait though. We were bored most of the day, but the IV came out, and Emily was able to crawl around the room, entertaining herself and playing with me. My friend Sheila came home from Washington State and was back on Oahu. It was New Years Eve. I got my prescription, and went home. I called Sheila and asked if I could go over and sit with her because the meds were going to supposedly make me nauseated and knocked out possibly, and I was afraid I wouldn't be able to care for Emily all drugged up. She agreed and asked why I hadn't called her sooner. We went over, and helped Sheila unpack. Emily played with her 2 boys, and I was thankful my friend was back. I took the little pill, and we went on with our catching up.

A little while later, we got a call that the video tape the guys had made on the boat for 1/2 way night (which had been about a month earlier) finally arrived and would be shown at he COB's (Cheif of the Boat, a chief petty officer, enlisted-not an officer) house. It was going to be a regular New Years Eve party with food, etc. Only those wives whose husbands had made messages were invited. I was so excited! Another friend of ours, Tammy, came over and we all loaded up in 2 cars between us all (4 kids, 3 adults), and headed over to Iroquoi Point Housing. Some of the women (Mostly officer and the Cob's wife) had heard about the whole hospital ordeal, and were very nice about Emily and how she was so sweet to have gone through all of that etc. My friend Betty was there too. When everyone who was supposed ot be there got there, we finally watched the tape. Ed's message was very nice, as most ofthe guys' messages were. Of course we all cried, because we missed our sailors terribly. But it was the best ending to the 4 days of Hell on Earth I had just gone through.

By about 11 pm, Emily, Shiela's boys, and Tammy's daughter were all getting tired. My meds were starting to kick in, and I felt like I was drunk, even though I had declined any alchohol due to the meds. By the time we got back to Sheila's I was barely able to make it to the door from the car. I managed to stay awake through the ball dropping (tape-delayed of course, since it had been Jan 1st in NYC for nearly 5 hours). Soon after I went to bed, the kids long passed out, a smile on my lips that I was in a comfy place, with good friends, and my daughter was once again well.

So that's the Sad Christmas Story With a Happy Ending. I hope you all enjoyed. The reason I chose that story for the Flashback Friday was because on Friday, Emily was sick. I mean she had a cold so bad, she told me she did not want to go to school. This is a child who cannot stand to leave school; if she could, she would sleep there, she loves it that much. She has gotten better over the weekend, thank goodness, and she's only got a bit of a cough now. But Friday got me thinking about how there is always SOMEONE in my family who is sick on Christmas. I had the flu one year and slept through it as a teen, my sister was ill one year, my brother, my mom....I cannot recall ever a holiday where someone did not at least have a cold. Emily's story jumped to my mind first, and I wrote about it. Thansk to all of you for your kind words about the whole thing.....I'll be back to happier topics tomorrow....

4 flame(s) added to the fire:

Rebecca said...

I'm glad that alls well, that ends well.......

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad your story had a happy ending. I can't imagine having to go through that alone. Emily was lucky she has a tough mommy.

:P fuzzbox said...

I am so glad to see the happy ending. Hope you have an illness free holiday.

Shannon said...

It seems like there is always one sick person at my house during the holidays too.

I'm so glad you had the happy ending!