Wednesday, November 02, 2005

A good day

Today is Hubby's birthday! He's 32 today, 4 years my senior. He's actually still in port which is a good thing, and I am hoping we have a few more days. But time will tell. At any rate I am going to enjoy him being here, and celebrating his old age ;P

Last night I got some a couple presents for him. I am going to go to the store today and buy a small cake, and his favorite -- chocolate ice cream. We'll have a small family party with me and the girls. It'll be nice.

Been writing on the story for about an hour and already 1/2 way to my quota this morning. I think I'll hit at least 5,000 words, and maybe even 6,000 by days end. I feel that the story is going well, and the main character's husband has been introduced. His reaction to the main character's news was funny, I think. When I post chapter 2 later today, you'll see what I mean.

I have the whole of the plot developed in my mind, but as I write, I see all these little issues pop up I hadn't thought about before. This may be good, or it may be bad. It might help when I run out of things to write, which I hope won't happen just yet. It may be bad, because I might tangent from the main story and lose the plot to a ravenous plot bunny. But as of yet, I don't see it happening like that. Maybe next week it will. ;)

well, I'm going back to the story. I need to find an object of musing. Jen has one, and damn, am I jealous of it! I think I am gonna have to take a trip to the mall and find a good one like hers. Or something, anything to help the creative juices flow.....going out later anyway, so I am sure I'll find something.....

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