Thursday, August 31, 2006

Happy Birthday to Me!

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Yes, the countdown will be removed.....I am officially 29!

I hope no one important dies today. That would suck. 9 years ago it was Princess Diana. Talk about a major downer for my birthday!

Today I am moving things from the "old house" to the "new house". I get my keys in about an hour. I am so excited! It will have to go in stages, as I only have so many boxes, but that's why I am going the kitchen and my bedroom first....most of it can be emptied and the boxes I clever or what?

Thanks to everyone who left birthday messages in my last post!

10 flame(s) added to the fire:

jeopardygirl said...

HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! Good luck with the move... ;)

oldfartswife said...

Happy Birthday to you, have a great day!!

Linda said...

Hello, I am over from Mimi's site. Happy Birthday. May you be 29 forever (I know I will be)!

Good luck with the new house.

Dr.John said...

43 years ago on the day that would become your birthday Betty and I were married. Happy birthday.

Pixie said...

Happy Birthday Cissa- I remember the Diana thing like it was yesterday. we all woke to the news on a Sunday morning, and then suffice to say that was all that was on all day. I had to work as well and it was all people could talk about.

:P fuzzbox said...

Happy Belated Birthday.

kristi said...

Happy Birthday Cissa...Good Luck on the move

Jay Noel said...

Happy Birthday....I hope all is going well with the move to the new place.

Crashtest Comic said...

happy birthday baby!


Anonymous said...

Happy birthday for then. It's my birthday on the 31st August too!

I remember waking up to hear the news that Di had died, and Dodi died. I thought it was all a dream, but apparently it wasn't.

Hope you got cool pressies. I got an iPod and a chair.

Yes, I know that's a weird combination, but it works suprisingly well.
