The Bachelorette Party was a blast! A lot of jerks, not Nessa's true friends, cancelled in the 24 hours before the party. One person didn't even bother to let her know, she simply just didn't show. That's OK, we had a good time without them.....
So we got to the club. We met a bunch of my friends, everyone was drinking, dancing, havigna great time!! Especially Vanessa. I got one picture of the night's events which should tell you all what the night was like....

YES, He IS looking at her chest!!
So a lot happened that I promised would not get mentioned on the Blog. I will say, that as promised, drinking, dancing and semi-debautchery did occur. Oh yes, and I actually lost my temper with Nessa at one point, because she kocked a FULL bottle of beer on me, soaking me, my dress, ruining my make-up and pretty much, embarrassing the hell out of me....Imagine my surprise Sunday morning when a sore spot on my shoulder that is quite raised upon touch froces me to look in the mirror, and I see....

Yes Nessa doesn't recall a whole lot of things after the party bus ride. I actually think that is a good thing.....Nessa, it was a good time, and I am glad I could be there for it!! See you in a couple weeks for YOUR WEDDING!!!!WOOOOOOOT!!
oh yes, and last thing....
2 flame(s) added to the fire:
I never had a bachelorette party, and have never been invited to one--though I threw a bachelor party!
That looks like a big bruise but a small price to pay for a good time and something you can chide your friend about for twenty years. Your blog reminded me of an old saying on a poster ;"What if you gave a party and nobody came?" Too bad some people didn't show up but it was their loss.
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