Tuesday, August 08, 2006

It's Quiet

Kait is in bed. Em is at my parents. It's quiet. And has been noticably more quiet since my return home on Sunday. It's kinda creeping me out. The insomnia is kicking in, and although I usually get about 7 hours of sleep, it's usually fitfull and full of odd/bad/freaky/extremly vivid dreams.....

I think I might go to the doc again about my sleep issues....if I don't get much more by the time the School year starts next month....

23 Days Until My Birthday

yeah, it's kinda blah.....I just don't have the nergy tomake it all cute and happy right now....

3 flame(s) added to the fire:

Jay Noel said...

Sleep is still a mystery to doctors and scientists. Even our cures are sometimes half-ass. The more we can understand sleep, the better we'll be able to help the millions that can't get any.

B.R.L said...

enjoy the quiet while it lasts.
That maybe the problem you need some noise.

Dr.John said...

I wear a sleep mask and am on a bi-pap but still have trouble sleeping.