

So what do you all think? So far friends have given a positive response. I was actually going for something a little less dramatic, but the girl at the salon said this would look best on me. I have to say I agree......
I can't believe I forgot to say this earlier....
6 flame(s) added to the fire:
I like it!
I think it would lok nice redder as well. (like your profile pic)
Way to go, very rock&roll, although maybe it's a little less punk than your last haircut, maybe now it is a little more new wave. It looks a little more Bjork (I'm a huge fan). Very cool.
I love it.
I'm with Betty.
Um, hate to be the voice of dissent, but I don't like it. Sorry. Of course, I could just be jealous, I can't get my hair to hold a perm...
I don't like the look of perms, but as long as you're happy with it, that's all that matters!!! :)
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