Thursday, August 24, 2006

Dr. Cissa's First Post

The following is a repost of Dr. Cissa Fireheart's first post on this blog, Wednesday, August 24th, 2005. For anyone who reads this blog, but doesn't blog themselves, let me tell you, blogging regularly is hard work. It takes discipline and courage, both of which are abundant in Cissa. She is a true gift to those in her life. Congrats, Dr. Cissa! Many happy returns of the day.

With much love,

Stu :-)

So I got this idea....

Everytime I start a blog, I end up being good about posting for about 2 weeks. Then, something in my life takes over, and it's lost to the endless sea of blogs on the internet So I am warning you now....I don't know when I will update.

So anyway, I think I am about to have one of those moments. My oldest starts Pre-K tomorrow. I have a family reunion this weekend. I still have to finish unpacking this house from our move (I moved in July from FL to CT). I am in a local production (I'm an actress of sorts). I want to get my oldest into girl scouts, join the PTO.

I just wanted to mention something else: In case y'all didn't know, Cissa is NOT my real name. It's my "alter ego". I play an online video game on my computer and this is my main character's name. Those who know me - do not be freaked! I just couldn't think of any other name at the moment....Plus I didn't want to have my real name. I will probably only mention my Kid's names as real, even use my husband's video game character's name...It's easier that way...


5 flame(s) added to the fire:

Anonymous said...

Awww, Cissa's first post, how sweet! I'm sorry to be the cause of her absence, but I need her more than y'all do right now! Thanks for holding down the fort, boys!

Stu said...

I wasn't think host as much as readers, who I aim to suck up to with much abandon.

Anonymous said...

Blogs are alot of hard work! Trying 2 keep fresh content isn't easy!

Have a great week-end!


Stu said...

Ok, Take Two: I wasn't thinking host as much as readers, who I aim to suck up to with much abandon.

Bianca said...

That's about the way my blogging usually goes, too, but this time I think I'll be able to keep up with it.