Sunday, September 28, 2008

stepping out of the grey day she came, her red hair falling like the sky...

And now I present.....


and After....

Much better I think. Much more natural looking. I am a happy camper. I've got work at the bar tonight and then a short 6 hours sleep until my first day of work...My weekend has mostly been spent indoors. I pulled a muscle or pinched a nerve in my neck and it's made moving around very difficult. I hope I do well in tips tonight, I need to pay for parking in the morning!

Hope you all have had a great weekend!


6 flame(s) added to the fire:

pipper said...

I like it! It is better.

Poppy said...

For the record, I like both colors. The top color looks fun and vibrant and youthful, the more natural color looks responsible for your first day on the job. ;)

hello haha narf said...

wahoo! glad you like it. turned out good. much better than when i tried to dye my hair at home. hehe

and so excited for your first day on the new job.

Trukindog said...

Oh you naughty gal, I love Red hottie.

It's your fault that at this very moment I'm picturing you in my mind in those 4" heels & Black Fishnets....

whall said...

This is the first before/after combo where the subject is smiling in the before but not the after....

Anonymous said...

I love the new look but I am a sucker for the 'wilder' girl in the first shot.