Friday, September 19, 2008

Happy Birthday Kaitlyn Rhea!

Today my youngest daughter, Kaitlyn is 5 years old!

Kaitlyn on the first day of Kindergarten

I can't believe how fast these 5 years have gone. Tonight is her party at Chuck E. Cheese's, and she is super excited. A lot of her classmates and friends from the neighborhood will be coming, and I know she is going to have a blast.

Kaity is my "mini-me". Most of my family and friends agree she looks like me....I don' see it too much myself. However I can tell she's mine by her personality. She's dramatic. She's loud. She can be a total bitch when she's tired and hasn't slept well. All just like her mama.

But she is my snuggle bug. The last couple of days she had bit of a tummy ache. last night she woke up crying with a bad dream and climbed into bed with me and Misk as we watched a movie. She fell asleep all snuggled up to me, her arm draped across my stomach. It was so adorable I wanted to cry.

All in all she is a great kid. I love her and enjoyed taking her class cupcakes for snack time today. She enjoyed asking her classmates what flavor they wanted, and handing them out. Then she made sure to bring her sister one and the school secretary a cupcake too. She's very kind like that. It made me proud to see her today.

Happy Birthday to my Kaity Bug!


4 flame(s) added to the fire:

Poppy said...

Happy birthday, sweet girl!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Kaity. She is lovely!

whall said...

Happy Happy Birthday! How adorable.

hello haha narf said...

she is beautiful, ciss.

how was chuck e. cheese?