Saturday, September 06, 2008

She's got a ticket to ride, but she don't care.....

Dear Internet Friends,

On November 1, 2008, the following AWESOME EVENT is happening in Altamonte Springs, Florida: (click on the picture to see the details of the event, after you read this entry of course)

And although I have tried to deny it...I no longer can....

I. want. to. GO!!

Here's the problem: I am poor. I don't have the money for a ticket. And although I would have a *free* place to stay (father-in-law live 30 minutes away in Holopaw), I don't have the money to pay for a plane ticket....

Here's where YOU, MAH INTERNETZ FRIENDZ, can help!

At the bottom of the Huge Announcement, is a little Pay Pal link where you can BUY a raffle ticket for the small sum of $7.00. The cool thing is? You can SPONSOR SOMEONE -- like your good ole internetz freind, Cissa Fireheart. Here's the catch: the raffle tickets have to reach 100 before the free plane ticket Grand Prize is even a possibility...And before you ask, YES, I have already purchased a few tickets of my own....

I think I am gonna make a little button too...put it over there to the right ------->

I can hear you all now. But WHY, Cissa? Why would you want to go to this weirdo's house? Why should I spend a whopping $7.00 on YOU to have a good time???

Well, here are a few reasons I so desperately want to go.

1. Miss Britt, Hellohahanarf, Karl, and Dave2 are all gonna be there. I've met the first 3 people, and they rock. They are great. And I would love to meet Dave and Avitable (the party host). I dunno who all else is going, but I reckon it would be a LOT of cool people I have had the chance to talk/comment/read their blogs over the last few years.

2. I love to dress up, and already have a costume I could wear! Hell, I have 2 to chose from, and if I really think about it....possibly 3! How cool is that? And it's a frickin' party where EVERYONE is gonna be dressed up! I have never been to an adult costume party, and I really wanna go!

3. I'm technically a FL resident. I love FL. Wouldn't you want to see Cissa to be happy to be HOME? Even if it is only for 24 hours?

4. How cool would it be for Misk to have an awesome birthday present, like say, getting to pick me up at the airport after a long trip away (ok I'm stretching, but work with me people), and we get to do one of those kisses you see in the movies, where he tilts me back and is all romantic and stuff? Wouldn't that be awesome? Huh? C'mon, it would be wicked cool!

5. You like me and you just wanna do something nice....the pay it forward thing....for a nominal amount.

Please sponsor me, Cissa Fireheart.....C-i-s-s-a the Neverwas Fair Raffle. BUT HURRY!! TICKET SALES END ON SEPTEMBER 20TH!! Thank you!

I am done begging. We now continue with your regularly scheduled blog posts.....

8 flame(s) added to the fire:

Jodi said...

I am so jealous. What a great idea! I wish I had thought of it. I want to go, too, and I'm not sure if I can go, or how I would afford it.

I hope you get to go. I hope I get to go, too. Then YOU could meet ME!! (big grin)

Good luck!

Miss Britt said...

Oh what an awesome idea. Adam keeps harping on me to buy tickets and sponsor someone - I've got a list now!! LOL

Anonymous said...

Dude - I want to go can't drive down? I am considering going and I would love to see you again, considering we were supposed to get together and it didn't work out. Then again, we could still hang out....

Avitable said...

Just so you know, all of the info about the party is now on its own page at

Cissa Fireheart said...

HG- I figure if people sent Hilly to Philly and generally are nice people, then why not ask? There are awesome poeple out there who will help, but sometimes asking is needed...

Miss Britt -- OH YAY!! Thanks Britt! I hope I win so we can hang out again!

Robin - I would drive down, BUT -- my children would never forgive me if I didn't take them trick or treating, plus Halloween is an actual holiday in my religion, and I have plans for ritual that night. No way can I go unless I am flying out and back.
as for you coming to see me - yea we totally should get together...although I MAY be heading to NYC to see Dave2 in November, whenever he goes...

Avitable -- thanks for the tip, I will fix my link :) I hope I win!

Poppy said...

Dawg and I are gonna be there too. I already bought a kagillion raffle tickets and now I'm poor. :( Has anyone bought you one yet? I could buy you one if not! I'd love to see you there!!

Poppy said...

PS to Cissa AND Robin -- YAY to you both seeing Dave2! PLEASE! I wanna see you both in NYC!!!! :D

Anonymous said...

Ummmm. How is a Queenie supposed to help her favorite bloggin pal win said plane ticket if said favorite bloggin pal has the link in the side bar screwed up???????? FIX IT FIX IT FIX IT so I can buy you some tickets!!!!