Friday, May 16, 2008

Doctor, Doctor, give me the news, I gotta bad case of lovin' you!

And the good news is that I don't have pneumonia! Woot! But I knew that.

The bad news? I lost another pound from the very painful and draining side effect of the antibiotic. And I was in the bathroom for 2 hours last night...and another hour this morning...after 4 hours of sleep.

Seriously? I'm over being sick....really....I'm not kidding...

My cough has diminished significantly over the last 24 hours however, so that's a good sign.

Another bonus was that the Doctor I had complained about yesterday afternoon was a completely different personality altogether yesterday at my appointment. Apparently whatever crawled up his ass on Tuesday had been extracted, because he was very personable this time around.

So yeah things are turning around for me...sorta....

I can't wait to drop the kids off and come home...can you say Nap Time?

oh yeah......

I will probably post again later, before my girls night out. or maybe I will just take pictures of tonight's activities.....people are getting pierced!

Except me. I don't think I could, being on antibiotics and, Misk respectfully requested that I not pierce myself.

And to think I considered getting a nipple done! haha! Oh well, his loss I suppose.....

Enjoy your Friday Folks!


2 flame(s) added to the fire:

Dr.John said...

Glad your feeling better.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to hear that you are feeling better and that the doctor didn't turn out to be a tool!