Friday, August 15, 2008

There lives a girl in Boston, A girl that I love well...

I am heading to Boston today, to see my sister, Shell, for the weekend.

We will be doing lots of wedding stuff, shopping for dresses and trying to find a color that defines "Periwinkle". We also will be hitting the Italian Festival, and I am hoping that I will find something that tastes decent and doesn't have tomatoes or lots of spice. Those are both off-limits for a while...

I am looking forward to this, as I have not been to Boston to visit her since we've been back to New England, 3 years now. I also will get to see her fiance, Terry, and meet some of his family as well.

Pray the church they are getting married in doesn't burst into flames when I step in there. I doubt it will, but I am hoping that they won't freak out on me if they find out I am a Wiccan. Shell has only told Terry, and no one else, because I am not quite ready for the family to know...

I also plan on giving an old friend from Jr and Sr. high, Matt, a call. He and his wife live in Boston, and I am eager to see his son. Yes, Matt's an ex, but we've been friends for a lot longer...we even hung out in Hawaii when Misk and he were both stationed there.

I will have my laptop, but not sure how much I'll get to use it. I will try to keep up on the blogosphere, but not sure how well...I might just catch-up Sunday night or Monday morning.

Have a great weekend everyone. I can't wait to see Beantown!


3 flame(s) added to the fire:

Anonymous said...

Have a fabulous weekend woman. I will miss you.

Anonymous said...

I can't drive a stick! I can't drive a stick!

hello haha narf said...

sounds wonderful. take lots of photos to post!