Sunday, April 30, 2006

What do YOU want to see?

Well I have been blogging for about 8 months now. I usually use this blog to vent, to share about my family and to talk about the things I like in my life. But I want to ask you, the people who visit my blog (there have been almost 5,000 visit so far) what you'd like to see on here....

Please, please, please, if you are a frequent visitor, and don't comment, I ask you to PLEASE comment this one time and tell me what you want to see/read. I want to make my blog more appealing to others, and am even contemplating trying to make it a bit of a profession. So, I need to know what to do from those who visit. I also know I need to bring up my readership, and am trying to sign up for more things liek BlogMad, etc....

I really hope you'll all leave your input. Thanks Everyone...

4 flame(s) added to the fire:

Anonymous said...


I like your blog the way it is, with a bit of venting, kvetching, and some kvelling about your kids. I'm sort of a sucker for blogs that just follow the lives of a family, the ups and downs. I find them comforting, like you've been invited into their homes to sip tea and blab about the neighbors.

Just don't start bitching about your comments, OK? :-)

Oh, you asked how I got to blog professionally. I work for an internet company that runs a wiki and a bunch of smaller blogs that are dedicated to certain audience types that are interested in our vision. Does that sound vague enough? :-)

Dr.John said...

To get more readers you have to read other blogs and leave comments.You might have to leave fourty to get one back. Then you need to follow up with that one. It is not easy. But it is sort of fun. Oh, and you haven't commented on my blog for some time.

B.R.L said...

I read your blog daily except when out of town. I like what you write.

Crazy Dan said...

Your blog is your personal space and you shouldn't change it just to cater to people. Sure those sites will get you more hits but thats all it is, just a hit. To get people that read your blog and respond to it you must find meet bloggers and do the same to their blog. I am not saying go to their blog everyday but once a week and that person will get to know you and visit you more.