Friday, March 24, 2006

Me, a Guest Blogger!

So Fuzzbox has been being the Guest Moderator over at Beauty Vs. The Beast. He sent out a post saying that if anyone wanted to volunteer they should e-mail him. So I did!

My post is now up there. Go check it out!!

The come back here and comment! I LOVE comments! I feel so LOVED when people LEAVE COMMENTS!


3 flame(s) added to the fire:

Cissa Fireheart said...

LMAO Mimi you smart ass!

:P fuzzbox said...

You did very well with your guest post and the comments you have received there echo my sentiments. I knew that you would be great and you did not disappoint.

Anonymous said...

oh damn, I don't even know what you're talking about, but anything that makes you feel loved is ok in my book. So can you feel the love? btw, it's ness if I can't figure out how to make my name show up.