Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Inhaling Smoke

I feel like I am going, going, going this week. Vey busy. Computer switching, Navy Wife Stuff, kid's stuff, and this weekend, some actual fun for me and Hubby....

Tonight Hubby has an Awards Ceremony for the boat to attend. I was up lat night sewing on a rocker for this boat. A rocker is a little patch about 1/2 inch high and about 5 inches long that is slightly curved to fit along the top of the shoulder of Hubby's "Cracker Jack" uniform. It gives the name of his command. it's also a BITCH to sew on. I stuck myself twice with pins trying to get it in place, just right. Then I had issues with my machine and the bobbin...He better get a friggin award! I am dressing up, making cupcakes and going to support Hubby. Even though neither of us really wants to be there LMAO

Tomorrow is volunteering again at school and then tomorrow evening...T-Ball Practice for Emily!! She is so dang excited. When Hubby came home from Duty yesterday after not seeing him for 2 days, she was so excited to tell him about practice on Thursday. I hope she enjoys this....she says she wants to do Karate this summer....we'll see, but it is a real possibility, I think....

This weekend Hubby and I are meeting with some people in a social setting through an online group we are a part of. I am looking forward to it. Socializing with Adults....what a concept....

I don't have much to write about today, I am too much to do to really write about things on my mind....cause there isn't much on my mind besides my busy week...oh wait....


4 flame(s) added to the fire:

Jay Noel said...

Sounds like a really busy week indeed. T-Ball is great for kids...and it's perfect weather for it now.

So, what do the sailors that don't have wonderful wives that can sew do when they have a new patch to put on their uniforms???

Cissa Fireheart said...

Single Sailors usually take thier uniforms to the Tailor inside the Navy Exchange, or to the tailor shop off base...then they pay someone to do it for them...simple really...or they beg a buddy's wife to do it for them out of the kindness of their hearts....which I have done for Hubby's freinds in the past....and usually get a bottl eof wine or case of beer out of the deal! ;)

Cissa Fireheart said...

Well, back in the day when Hubby and I were engaged and first married, I worked in the Uniform Shop at the I learned where everything goes correctly....Hubby lucked out in that department!

Dr.John said...

I am glad that you can sew and help your husband. It sounds like you have a wonderful marriage. I hope he appreciates you.