Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Burning a Hole in My Pocket

Money is the root of all evil. I never seem to have enough. And then, that special time of the year comes around, and I feel like a lotto winner gone wild. Tax Time !!

But this feeling of financial uphoria when that time comes? It's bad -- really really bad. Like a hurts so good kind of bad. I know I shouldn't feel this way, but I do. And I dunno how to stop it. I have a spending compulsion to buy absolute crap that I totally don't need. But this time around...I managed to be fairly responsible with our tax return...what's left of it anyway...

Hubby bought a custom made laptop. It'll be here soon. It's not the "perfect" one that he wanted, but even our full return amount would not have yielded enough for that....but the one he did get totalled about 2/3 of the return -- and that's saying something. So with what I have left, I have managed to pay some bills, get Emily's birthday presents and party taken care of, ordered new contacts that I have put off for 3 months to get, new glasses because my current ones are 3 years old, and we still have money to get groceries, go out on a date or two and buy some other unmentionable stuff.

But you know.....I desperately want to blow it all on stuff I don't's a's so bad...almost like drugs or alcohol craving......

I am not going to let myself get carried away.....I will be more responsible.....

But dang, not before I buy some new spring fashions!

1 flame(s) added to the fire:

flea said...

omg i totally do the same thing and just recently went on a big spending spree with my hubby's tax never fails!!

*thank god i'm not alone!!!!!