So since my last post.....
Hubby left on Wednesday. He really is gone for a while now. He'll be back soon though. The kids have been playing with neighbors and friends from school, it's been nice.
I have been furiously working on getting the house clean, so that I can go to the Vineyard this weekend for about a week. I hate coming home to a dirty house, so if I can get some semblance of order done, I feel more at ease getting home. Today I am tackling the girl's bedroom. It will take me about 3 hours because I am going through toys, and getting a few bags for Goodwill ready, then I will sort all the toys into the bins they belong in, the toys alone takes about 2 hours! Hopefully, because I am removing so many toys this time, cleaning will be less of a task for them and me in the future.
Mimi is away and I have the task of getting her mail. She didn't get any until Monday, which freaked me out a little, because I thought that maybe I was not supposed to get it.
This past weekend it rained. POURED. The kids and I went to a craft get together with the boat wives, to work on thing for the Big Deployment coming up. I didn't get much accomplished, but it was nice to get out of the house for a change!
Emily has asked me if we could get a kitten. I am not against this, but I want to get Buddy to a new home first. His bird and squirrel antics are becoming more regular and my patience is wearing thin. My mom and dad in New London took him over the summer last year, adn were sad to see him go, so I asked mom if she would want to take him again, this time permanantly. She was no opposed to it, but has to check with dad. So Buddy will still be in the family, just at a different house. I also have to email Hubby and make sure this is OK with Him...but I think it will be. As long as Buddy isn't here any longer! I'll keep everyone posted.
Yesterday I recieved a surprise in my inbox. Dr. John informed me that I won a "Doctorate" in his JC points drawing this week! I was honored. As soon as I get it, I will post a picture of it. I am so excited! Thank You to Dr. John!
Well I am off to clean. I have been trying to read more blogs, but with the summer, it is a busy busy time, and I don't always have the time. I may have some time while on the Vineyard, but probably not. I'lll check in again before I go.
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Summer is in Full Swing
This Fire Sparked by Cissa Fireheart at 6/27/2006 10:57:00 AM 3 flame(s) added to the fire
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
I leave for ONE weekend...
...and the whole blogging world changes!! But first let me tell you about the weekend, breifly...well as briefly as I am capable of....
Friday I arrived at Nessa's after much confusion from Hubby and my organizational skills. I finally got on the road, and of course, hit traffic as soon as I reached Rhode Island's Metro area. Ahh I-95 on a Friday Afternoon....good times, good traffic and lots of stop and I met Danielle, Nessa's "main" bridesmaid at the house. We unloaded the truck and got to the grocery store. Got food, and then went to another store and then headed to the best italian bakery in Rhode Island - Calvito's. Armed with egg biscuits and pizza strips (mmmm..I missed those), we went back to Nessa's and unloaded groceries. We started working on final arrangements, then Nessa came home. Then we headed to my favorte chinese restaurant and had an aweseme dinner. A great start. But we still had a lot of work to do.
We worked on food til midnight - as well as polished off a couple bottles of wine and wine coolers - with Nessa's mom and talked, told, stories and nearly wet ourselves from laughing so hard at some points. We made major headway, but it was past midnight, and we needed to get to bed. I was asleep by 1 am.
Saturday I was awoken by Kaity (she was with me, part of the confusion mentiioned earlier with Hubby) at the lovely hour of 5:45 am. Needless to say, I got started on more food prep and when Nessa woke at 7 am , I was in desperate need of coffee, so Nessa made a Dunkin' Donuts run. Ahhh...I felt much better. Daneille arrived about 10 am. We got down to business with finishing up the food, and getting supplies, etc. ready and then showered and all got dressed. We were out the door and headed to Nessa's Grandmother's by 1 pm.
At arrival we made iced tea, hot tea and got the food tables set up. Then we started to get guests! I had to run back to Nessa's because in all the craziness, I left Nessa's gift at home - duh. I got back and the party started.
With all the food, and games I was busy busy busy. Everyone was entertained from the games and laughed and oohed and ahhed at Nessa's presents. Everyone seemed to really enjoy the shower and I got lots of compliments. My feet were killing me and I was so, so tired, but we cleaned up and headed back to Nessa's. I was planning on crashing again there, but a phone call to Hubby made me change my mind. So, I made the drive back to CT, through some lovely pouring rain showers, some of which I was going 45 on the highway because I couldn't even see the front end of the truck. I arrived home only to find out hubby had called and told me to stay in RI a mere 15 minutes earlier due to the weather...Oh yeah, thanks Hubby!
When I arrived home, I set out at wrapping Hubby's Father's Day presents from me and the kids. Then I spent the evening watchhing DVD's in bed with Hubby and the kids.
Sunday the kids and I presented Hubby with his gifts. A new drill and a new watch. He seemed very pleased with both and we had a relaxing morning. We went to the mall, did a little shopping and came home and ordered out for dinner. A nice day was had by all.
Monday I did some much needed relaxing. I didn't do too much cleaning, and took Em to the doctor's for her school physical. She got 3 shots, but was very brave. Both kids got stickers for being so good. Emily is 3 ' 10"!!! She is nearly 4 feet tall at age 5. She is off the charts. I was gobsmacked!
So as for the changes I mentioned at the beginning fo the post....Mimi's new layout is fabulous. Go check it out. I plan on having Pixie redesign this site soon...Dr. John and Laurie have made a great little friendship and Dr. John even made homage to her in Pigeon Falls, the little town he and his wife Betty are building in their backyard, complete with trains and people. Make sure you read the Pigeon Falls updates at then end of his enties. They are so well thought out and a very interesting story!! I have to admit, someday I'd love to see it in pictures, completed. I am sure Dr. John will oblige.
Well I certainly have written a book today. And now you all are caught p on MY life over the weekend and the beginning of the week. I hope to post again later....
This Fire Sparked by Cissa Fireheart at 6/21/2006 07:42:00 AM 5 flame(s) added to the fire
Sunday, June 18, 2006
Blogger Poker Tourney - Update 2
I spoke too soon. 5 minutes into the next hour I lost it all....oh well.
Met a nice man I call Doc. Here's his blog - Never Play Cards With a Man Called Doc
it was fun while it lasted...
This Fire Sparked by Cissa Fireheart at 6/18/2006 04:18:00 PM 3 flame(s) added to the fire
Blogger Poker Tourney - Update 1
Well I am doing pretty well. I thought for sure I'd be out by now, but we are on our first break and I am over 3K in chips! I was surprised cause a couple times I had good comebacks, when I thought for sure I was gonna totally be out. YAY FOR ME!!
We're on the first 1 hr break ....more on the next's back to poker for me!
This Fire Sparked by Cissa Fireheart at 6/18/2006 04:08:00 PM 0 flame(s) added to the fire
Friday, June 16, 2006
Saw this and took 2 minutes to do it. Thanks to Becca at Dandelion Wishes for the link....
create your own visited states map
or check out these Google Hacks.
This Fire Sparked by Cissa Fireheart at 6/16/2006 07:30:00 AM 4 flame(s) added to the fire
Ready for The Shower!
This Fire Sparked by Cissa Fireheart at 6/16/2006 07:04:00 AM 1 flame(s) added to the fire
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
MY package just arrive HOORAY!!!!
*cue me doing the happy dance*
My stress elevel just went down about 25 points. Thank you God.
I am so freakin' happy I could cry!! One more thing to cross off my list
YAAAHOOO!!!! Can you tell I am happy? I have to call Danielle now. She will be so psyched!
This Fire Sparked by Cissa Fireheart at 6/14/2006 01:38:00 PM 1 flame(s) added to the fire
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Almost Ready....
Well, A little bit of stress has ebbed ....
I was stressing because the main items I ordered for favors for all the guests for Nessa's shower didn't get ordered until this past Saturday. When I called the company, they had informed me it would be Friday or next Monday. Of course I freaked out because the shower is this coming Saturday...
Thank You Technology! All day I have been tracking, via UPS's website, my shipment. I saw my package had left Ohio, where the company is located, and was on time, in transit. The status hadn't changed all day. I had to go to a Boat Wive's function this evening and as soon as I came home I checked the site again. I am happy to report that my package is in the state of Connecticut! WOO-HOO!!!!
I have almost everything ready. I have lists. I have quizzes printed out. I have quiz answers. I even have most of the prizes for games packaged and ready to go. I am ready. I am gonna be OK.
I feel much better now....I'll feel even better when that package gets here tomorrow! WOOHOOO!!!
And BTW Nessa, even if I did give away what the package contained to you in my stessed out call yesterday, thanks for ignoring it! And the picture here does not have anything to do with your theme or decorations! So get it out of your head right now!!
I'll try to write more tomorrow morning about stuff from today....but I have some projects to take care of....y'know, Shower Stuff....
Wed - 8:35 AM - UPDATE: The package is now a mere 25 miles away or less!! UPS at 7:24 this morning scanned my package as it went inot the truck for delivery! YIPPEE!!!
This Fire Sparked by Cissa Fireheart at 6/13/2006 08:20:00 PM 1 flame(s) added to the fire
Monday, June 12, 2006
Too Busy to Type Today!
This Fire Sparked by Cissa Fireheart at 6/12/2006 07:17:00 AM 3 flame(s) added to the fire
Thursday, June 08, 2006
Time Out With Em
Last night, to mark the first full day of summer vacation, Emily and I went and did some something together. No Sister and no Daddy. Em call's it "Together Time"
The first day of summer was cold, and most of the day it was pouring. What a way to mark it. UGH! Emily had expressed interest in us doing something together, because we hadn't in a while, so I tried to find something that would be inexpensive, and fun. And since it was pouring, I knew Chuck E. Cheese's was gonna be packed, I decided to take her to see "Over the Hedge" and grab something to eat in the mini mall where the theatre is located.
Dinner was under $10. I love Subway and their $2.99 sub of the day. Yesterday it was ...mmmmm Turkey. Emily got a tuna kids pack, but she was so excited about the movie, she barely ate anything. So we headed to the theatre. Holy crap. The tickets alone were over $15 for an adult and child! Then snacks-- I came home with $1 left of the $40 I took out of the bank. I cannot believe how expensive movies are now! Granted the last few times I went to the movies it was a matinee, but now I am seriously considering seeing matinee's every time from now on! UNBELIVEABLE!!!
The movie was funny. The story line was a bit predictable, but it's pretty much a kid's movie, so of course, for a 20-something mother it was going to be. But the chracters were funny. My favorite scenes involved "Hammy" and his doings after having a caffinated beverage toward the end, and a scene after that, involving the porcupine babies. I was rolling.
While I reccommend that you either go to a matinee or wait for the DVD, Over the Hedge is a funny film. Both parents and kids (who are suckers for slapstick - animated or live action) will enjoy it.
The Bonus? When we came out of the theatre, it had stopped raining, and was drying a bit. It made me hopeful that all this rain would go away in time for Saturday....Well, It's still cloudy, but I am still holding out for a miracle...
Oh, I should mention, that after splitting a small popcorn, Twizzlers & Sno Caps with me, Emily came home and finished her tuna sandwich. I was so proud!
This Fire Sparked by Cissa Fireheart at 6/08/2006 08:35:00 AM 4 flame(s) added to the fire
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Auto Update
That is all.....
This Fire Sparked by Cissa Fireheart at 6/06/2006 05:58:00 PM 5 flame(s) added to the fire
He Did It AGAIN and The Truck Saga Continues
When I came downstairs today for the morning, I was greeted by a dead robin, and a floor covered with feathers. Somewhere in the hour after Hubby was picked up for work and when I got up, Buddy knocked in the aluminum screen (damn it!) and dragged poor helpless bird to it's demise on my entry way.
I suppose one of my questions has been answered now: He does it as a gift to us.
As nice as a gesture as it is, it's DISGUSTING! On to other news....
Well as some of you know, the car died again. Oh, it didn't just die, it went into a friggin' seizure and then died. Perhaps I should explain more:
We picked the truck up on Thursday. I was happy. Friday we had plans to go register the car, then go to Emily's Pre-K Family Picnic at the school. I had gone to the base to deal with more red tape on how to register the car. Picked Hubby up, and we headed to town hall to get a tax exemption for it. As we stopped at the light just before the building, the car alarm started making a fast "boo boo boo boo, boo boo boo boo" sound, and the locks were racing up and down. I looked at my spedometer, and it wasn't working, the radio was dead....I tried to get the 500 feet into the parking lot. Just as I pulled into the space, the car died completely. I would not restart.
We got out and I took the kids and headed into the tax office to do what I needed to do. Hubby took a look at the electrical. When I came out, he was pulling wires everywhere. I assume he was disconnecting all the fancy "add ons" the truck had. We tried over and over to get the damn thing fixed quick to take it home. No Dice. I called our friend Jen. Emily was already late for school and I called the school to let them know she would be late. Jen came and picked us all up dropped Hubby off (who was now livid, I will add, since we had just dropped $120 to get the damn thing fixed the day before) and headed to the school for the "picnic". I silently thanked myself for making the ambrosia early that morning, before we went on errands. There was no way I would have had it ready in time had I not.
We got to the picnic, and it was a good time. Our friend who let us borrow the van earlier in the week, told us we could use the van again. The kids ate, played games and Emily's teacher bawled at the hand painted plate the class and the teacher's aides had made for her. A nice time was had by all. Then we got a ride back home, where we had to face the enevitable question....what do we do now?
Hubby was now calmer than when I had left him for the picnic, and we tried to come up with a solution....He decided we would get the truck towed back to the house and let it sit there to be fixed when re-enlistment bonus time came. Then I would go and buy what I had been wanting for a while now -- a minivan!
On Saturday morning, I set out and went to one dealership. We were turned down. I called Hubby, dismayed, and was afraid that if I went to all the dealerships, they would all tell me the same thing. Of course, I was right..... I went to one more dealership, and they actually seemed like they were going to be able to help us. But they need to talk to someone at the bank. And it was Saturday. I had to wait until Monday. Sunday we spent most of the day in bed hanging out. I was depressed all day, and hadn't slept well all weekend.
Monday rolled around, and I knew we had to get the truck towed or else the police would tow it, and that would be BAD. It was still at town hall. After I dropped Hubby off in the borrowed van, I went home and started calling the dealership. Of course....I got the waiting game. I decided I couldn't wait anymore, and after dropping Em off at school, I headed to town hall and called the dealership one last time. Finally I got an answer: No, they couldn't help me. I called Hubby to tell him the bad news, and promptly called the insurance company to have the truck towed. I was told 30-45 minutes. That was ok, I had time. It was 12:45. 45 minutes came and went. at 2:15 I feaked out and called the insurance company. They said the tow truck should have came by then. I got off the phone with them, waited 10 minutes, and called the company that was to tow us. Ironically, it was the place that had "fixed" our electrical last week. They said they had had a busy lunch. I told them I had a 2 year old who was hungry and tired, and sitting here for nearly 2 hours I was VERY angry and was reporting to my insurance agency about them getting taken off the list for towing and repairs. 10 minutes later they showed up.
I got the truck home, and in the car port. I had 3 minutes until it was time to go get Em. Thankfully, she went to a friend's house after school, and I headed home again. Hubby was home by then and very down. My friend Jess (a fellow Boat Wife) offered her husband to come over after dinner to have a look at it, since he was good with cars. He was over about 6. I got to talk to Ed's mom ad step-dad (Hi Nana and Nano!! I know you read the blog now!!), and while I was telling them all about the saga, I heard the truck start. I did a happy dance. But, a few minutes later it died again. Hey at least they were making progress!! After some more examination and testing, it was concluded the problem was....drumroll PLEASE.......
The Alternator.
Why the repair shop hadn't figured that out last week is beyond me. I got on the phone and started to make inquiries about alternators. While they are more expensive than I was anticipating, it's a lot less than what I was expecting, especially since Hubby can install it himself. Today I am going to make more calls, and hopefully by the weekend, the replacement will be in, and the truck will be working. I won't have a car alarm or auto door unlocks, but it's a small price to pay. Besides, Hubby says we'll get a PROFESSIONALLY installed one later this summer....
So keep your fingers and toes crossed that a replacement alternator is available soon and when installed, the truck works.
Herein ends the saga for today.....
This Fire Sparked by Cissa Fireheart at 6/06/2006 08:18:00 AM 3 flame(s) added to the fire
Monday, June 05, 2006
Forgot about this.....
Jepopardygirl tagged me a while's about time I did this....
Four jobs I've had in my life:
1. Hardware store clerk
2. Administrative Assistant
3. Sandwich Artist
4. Exotic Dancer
Four movies I would watch over and over:
1. Rent
2. Sense & Sensibility
3. Harry Potter (any of the 4 currently out)
4. Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood
Four places I have lived:
1. Cranston, RI
2. Oak Bluffs, MA
3. Honolulu, Hawaii
4. Panama City Beach, FL
Four TV shows I love to watch:
1. Grey's Anatomy
2. Desperate Houswives
3. Good Eats
4. CSI: Creim Scene Investigation
Four places I have been:
1. Disney World
2. San Antonio, TX
3. Staniel Cay, Exumas, Bahamas
4. Toronto, ON, Canada
Four websites I visit daily:
1. Yahoo
2. Aegis Terra (my EQ2 Guild's site)
3. Mugglenet
4. My blog for links
Four of my favorite foods:
1. Fettuccini Alfredo
2. My homemade Calzones
3. Navel Oranges
4. Chocolate Ice Cream
Four places I would rather be right now:
1. Florida
2. Texas
3. England
4. Austrailia
Four Friends that have been tagged that I think will respond:
1. Mimi
2. Mr. Fabulous
3. Dr. John
4. Betty (Dr. John's lovely wife)
This Fire Sparked by Cissa Fireheart at 6/05/2006 05:39:00 AM 2 flame(s) added to the fire
Thursday, June 01, 2006
Future Desperate Housewife?
I know the competition for roles in High School theatre can be intense at times, but THIS is ridiculous!!!
This Fire Sparked by Cissa Fireheart at 6/01/2006 07:42:00 PM 4 flame(s) added to the fire
When God Closes a Door...
....somwhere he opens a window...
Hubby's truck is fixed!!! ...well as best as it can be. They told me that the hack job on the electrical is going to cause me more problems, but for now, my main concern is that it is drivable enough to get me through to October, when Hubby said last night that I can buy myself a used minivan with the re-enlistment bonus. YAY!!
So I will have the truck. I will have a rear hatch (as long as the rear wiper button is turned on -- DON'T ASK), and I now have breaklights. HALELUJIAH!!!!
I cannot wait to test out the rear hatch to open my truck today...I get to go grocery shopping, and you bet your bottom dollar that I AM going to put groceries in the BACK!!
OK time to get kids dressed and Em ready for school....
Hope y'all have a great day!
This Fire Sparked by Cissa Fireheart at 6/01/2006 10:32:00 AM 4 flame(s) added to the fire
Buddy the Squirrell Hunter
So many of you may recall my cat Buddy brought a bird into the house last month. Well, about a week or 2 later, he did it again. That time I took the bird in a hand towel and he got out safely. Apparently Buddy has moved on to more challenging game.....This happened Monday, and between cars, money and fights with Hubby, I forgot to tell you all...I'll just share the IM log with Jeopardygirl this morning.....names and spelling errors have been changed to protect privacy....
CissaFireheart (9:15:21 AM): OMG did I tell you about the squirrell???
Jeopardygirl (9:15:38 AM): no, is it AJ's squirrel?
CissaFireheart (9:15:45 AM): Monday I was on the phone with Nessa's Mom
CissaFireheart (9:16:07 AM): and the girls were pointing at something by the stairs, and I saw buddy laying at the bottom
CissaFireheart (9:16:25 AM): looking like he was attacking the girls clothes again or a toy
CissaFireheart (9:16:31 AM): I go over to shoo him away
CissaFireheart (9:16:45 AM): I realize - IT'S A DEAD SQUIRRELL!!!
Jeopardygirl (9:16:50 AM): ICK!
CissaFireheart (9:16:57 AM): I screamed at the top of my lungs
CissaFireheart (9:17:10 AM): poor Nessa's Mom was like "What? What???"
CissaFireheart (9:17:25 AM): I told her there was a dead squirrell at the bottom of my staircase.
CissaFireheart (9:17:33 AM): got off the phone
CissaFireheart (9:17:57 AM): ordered the girls to STAY ON THE COUCH AWAY FROM THE STAIRS
CissaFireheart (9:18:27 AM): did a running jump to the small landing after 2 steps over the squirrell incase it was still alive
CissaFireheart (9:18:42 AM): ran upstairs to wake Hubby and scream about rabies
CissaFireheart (9:19:21 AM): then came back down. leaped over dead squirrell again. asked the girls if it moved. it didn't
CissaFireheart (9:19:32 AM): got some plastic bags and newspaper
CissaFireheart (9:20:09 AM): made Hubby pick it up and place in plastic bag, then double bagged it so flies and scavengers wouldn't smell it
CissaFireheart (9:20:21 AM): made Hubby take it outside and deposit in the trash
CissaFireheart (9:20:40 AM): then took trash out and covered dead squirrel in bag to hide it
CissaFireheart (9:20:41 AM): lol
Jeopardygirl (9:20:51 AM): your cat killed a squirrel?
CissaFireheart (9:21:06 AM): freaked out and wondered how I'd missed the fact that he got IN the house with a dead squirrel
CissaFireheart (9:21:11 AM): apparently
CissaFireheart (9:21:20 AM): we see him chasing them all the time
Jeopardygirl (9:21:23 AM): that's a good watch cat
CissaFireheart (9:21:29 AM): birds, squirrells, chipmunks
Jeopardygirl (9:21:37 AM): Mo got a bird, once.
Jeopardygirl (9:21:40 AM): and a mouse
CissaFireheart (9:21:52 AM): we all know he's done birds, apparently they aren't a challenge any longer LOL
CissaFireheart (9:22:14 AM): I will never have to worry about mice now, of this I am certain LOL
Jeopardygirl (9:22:30 AM): lol
CissaFireheart (9:22:46 AM): but christ, I could have killed him that moment I was so freaked out
Thus ends the excitement I had this week.....We are buying the hard aluminum removable window screens for the downstairs, so that Buddy cant push them out and go in and out as he pleases...nor can he drag dead (or live) animals inside with him. Enough is enough....what's next? Skunks and Possums?!?!
This Fire Sparked by Cissa Fireheart at 6/01/2006 08:35:00 AM 0 flame(s) added to the fire