Saturday, April 12, 2008


No Kids, Sub Ball done, house is quiet, even if Misk is in the next room sleeping...

I REALLY wish I didn't have to work this weekend.

Oh well at least I can enjoy tonight.

Yay! Sex with Misk! With no kids in the house!

I fully expect the cops to show up from all the screaming...heh...


Pictures from the Ball and stuff to follow sometime in the next 48 hours.

4 flame(s) added to the fire:

Dr.John said...

Let's keep the noise down. We don't want those police running around.

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see the pictures! BTW, are you having sex right now? Because I swear I can hear something that sounds like sex, even if I am in RI...

Lori said...

Hi there Dr. Cissa!
I just found you visited me from my Feedjit, and love your blog. (Sorry if I missed any previous visit - I get kind of scatterbrained.)
I am also very flattered you listed me in your Flaming Good blogs ... and I'm ON FIRE?!?!?
I am astonished!
Is being on fire good?
Oh, please ... let it be good!

I am now adding you to my IE Favorites and my Blogs I Love - not just to return the favor but because I so love your pages.

Anonymous said...

Oooooo, you didn't wake him up did you??!!