Sunday, April 27, 2008

And now that I am more concious....

This week, the plan is to make a complete chart of my family history with dates and all, to show you all and the Mayflower Society my connection to the two people I am a 17th or 18th generation to.

I started this because out of nowhere I got my self the idea to look up a certain family member who's name came out of literally, nowhere.

I was told by a very good friend that was something I needed to pursue. About 12:30 AM I got the first hankering of why I needed to do it. All in all, totally worth lack of sleep. I am still on a high about it.

ok, listening to Mr. Fab then Turnbaby on the radio. getting mentally prepared to start the "project" tomorrow sometime.

Hope you all have had a good weekend. Mine was awesome!

2 flame(s) added to the fire:

Dr.John said...

Good luck with your family history.

Anonymous said...

Maybe you will find some odd family tidbit to post in the meme I just tagged you with!