Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Technology at it's Finest...and too much crap

Ever have one of those days where it seems like nothing will go right? It seems at though that was yesterday for me....too long to explain, let's just say....I hate technology, stupid people, and myspace right now....

But I am back online (I knew turning the computer off and letting it think about what a bad boy it was would shape the little punk up), and ready for more fluffy goodness. Oh lovely, my anti-virus just informed me there was a virus on my computer...sigh

But anyway....all that time offline yetsrday and having a meltdown for other reasons, caused me to get a lot of cleaning done on the main floor. And I realized that I truly have entirely TOO MANY CLOTHES. And so do my children. The funny thing? I never notice exactly how much I actually go through clothes-wise, until I have to wash and fold it all. I can hear you all now "Why not fold the laundry when it's finished, Cissa?" Well dear friends, because I simply HATE laundry. I hate folding it and putting it away. Plus, to be completely honest, usually I do my wash on the go. I load the washer and then go do something hahaha, it only gets done when the mountain is so high, I am out of places to move in the bedroom. And with all the stuff I got going this week, the mountain is being built once again.

I'll have some time this weekend to fold, so I plan on doing it then...until the next catastrophe occurs that is LOL.

On another note, you may recall me posting about Blaze and Magazine Man's recent adventures...well Blaze, Himself, has left a lovely note of thanks to me and some fellow bloggers who donated to the ASPCA in his honour. A link to here was even made, and I welcome all of you who came here from there to the Fire! It was a hearfelt thank you, and all I can say was a privalege....Thank YOU Blaze for letting MM write about it!

I am still looking for volunteers for the week of Aug 23-29th to guest far I have one volunteer.....

6 flame(s) added to the fire:

Dr.John said...

And i thought it was just us with too many clothes.

David Amulet said...

So much technology ... I wonder what we would all do if everything went down for a week. Anarchy?

-- david

Pixie said...

I havent got enough clothes. I am sick to death of all my clothes even my underwear.

David, I think if everything went down for a week then there probably would be Anarchy!!

Charlene Amsden said...

Cissa, with the exception of under garments, I could likely go a year without having to do laundry ... which is sort of why I have so much laundry ... (never mind).

Anyway -- are you telling me that if I shut my computer off for just one day, my house will get cleaned? What a novel idea. I'll consider trying it. Maybe. Later ....

Charlene Amsden said...

Never got around to shutting the computer off yesterday. I spent too long just trying to get it to work!

Cindy said...

this bad day stuff must be contagious...I had one of those days too, the same day you did. Love the pictures of your new kittens. Our mother cat has five little kittens who are just now starting to be really playful and so much fun to watch.