Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Blog Birthday Plans

While reading Fuzzbox's blog this morning, it occured to me that my Blog Birthday is comming up next month. I looked up the archives and discovered that on August 24th it will be one year since I came onto the blog scene...and actually stuck around for it! So, I have begun to think about my plans for that day....then I realized....I am going to be at Nessa's doing Wedding Prep for the 26th!! So, I have decided to extend an invitation to some of my blog buddies for the week of August 23rd - 29th for guest blogging!

If you are interested in helping a Matron of Honor out, then please leave a comment and I will get back to you. I have never done guest bloggers before, and I thought my Blog Birthday Week would be a great excuse for it! There are quite a few blog buddies of mine who would be more than welcome to post for me.....*nudge, nudge, wink, wink*

So, let me know....I think I am also going to run a contest for Wedding Leftovers (I am guessing Nessa will be kind enough to donate a few favors or whatever)...and maybe I will even bestow my Grand Prize to be something of WORTH!

So, click on the comments below, and let me know if you wanna help me celebrate a Year of Blogging!

5 flame(s) added to the fire:

:P fuzzbox said...

I send you a happy blirthday early.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure there will be PLENTY of leftovers that I would be thrilled if you'd take off of my hands for me! Great idea.

Dr.John said...

I won't be able to commit to guest blogging since our house buying is open ended and we may be gone. But I will celebrate that you have been bloging for a year.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Looking GOOD around here!!
I have been swamped and haven't made my rounds but here I am you you look fanfuckingtabulous!!!!

I would love to voluteer to help you out but I will be traveling that week.

Dr.John said...

Forgot to tell you I love the new look. Or have I been asleep and missed it before?