Thursday, February 23, 2006

And You're Thinking of Drinking Gasoline....

I've read a lot of blogs out there where people put their "Top 5 list" for the world to see. That's cool. I happen to agree with some choices. I'm a freaky kinda gal though, I gotta say. I can't commit to one kind of guy, as far as who is "do-able", and I attribute this to the fact I was a bit of a chamelon growing up. I had my friends, yes, but I was also friendly with MOST of the other "groups" out there - jocks, geeks, drama kids, etc. So when it comes to my taste in's just as ecclectic....

All the usual suspects are on my list -- which is more than 5 mind you, because 5 is just too small a number for all the hot guys out there. I don't like to narrow my options.

But I have recently "discovered" the newest member of My List: Anthony Rapp

Oh yeah - Mark from RENT. I cannot contain myself when I see this man sing and dance on my TV screen. He's not extremely athletic looking, but he's lean.Not usually somethign I go for in a lot of Men, but hey.... But the Man can SING...and I LOVE his funky dancing on "La Vie Boheme". Everytime I watch that song, I just want to jump up on that table with Him and jump his bones. I remember him first from "Dazed and Confused" with the Abe Lincoln Dream....thought he was kinda cute then, but after seeing RENT? Holy God I was like - WOW! Yeah...I'm a loser, but I

I can hear some of you now.... "That girl is so weird..." yeah yeah...well...Anthony, should you EVER come accross this blog, and if you ever need a booty call, seriosly....I'm your girl!!

Of Course -- If George or McDreamy read this too -- Same offer stands, Gentlemen....

Oh can't forget Johnny, Christian, Orlando, Clive, Sean (Connery), Patrick (Stewart), Tom (Selleck), Adam (Pascal or Alda -- seriously either one)...My list could go on and on....see what I mean? Eccelectic list of Men I'd LOVE to have one night stands with......

ok, gotta show the McDreamy Picture...I just gotta.....*melts*

Wow, You all must be able to tell I miss My husband, when my entire post is about Men I'd love to share My bed with. Not much longer and Hubby will be home....but is tough to see hot guys everywhere and NOT want them.... but no doubt, there is ONE MAN that I want above all others.....

Only a few more days, only a few more days, only a few more days.......

2 flame(s) added to the fire:

Rebecca said...

Hey Cissa -
That's what it's all about.

Fantasy is just that, fantasy.
But reality - well, that's fantasy come to life.

Hubbies are meant to be the real thing.... ;)

Hugs... :)

Bilingual Blah Girl said...

I've already commented about McDreamy (or McSteamy, hee, I like that!), so I gotta ask: is the Clive in your list Clive Owen? Then we have him in common, too (as men we like, I mean). He is so masculine ... his film Derailed opened here last week, and although I have 3 days off work I couldn't drag my sorry ass out of the house to go see that movie. Damn.