Wednesday, October 22, 2008

New Blog Address - Please Update Your Bookmarks!

Heart of Fire has moved!

Please Visit
for more Heart of Fire!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Making a change

I'm making the slow but sure change to WordPress....eventually I will get things the way I want and will keep this one until the other is complete. So if I don't post for a while, it's because I am trying to figure all the stuff out.....

if you want to check out my "new" blog, here it's rather boring and the domain name will change...and I'll get all the RSS and stuff figured my spare time...eventually....

Catch you all on the flipside...


Sunday, October 12, 2008

Oh, how we danced on the night we were wed, We vowed our true love, though a word wasn't said...

At approximately 2:00PM, Eastern Staandard Time, On Monday, October 12, 1998 I became MRS. Cissa Fireheart (well, ok, maybe that's not my real name but you get the meaning).

It was a cool October day, Columbus Day, to be exact, and although Misk and I were already living together and planning on getting married in June on The Vineyard, where my dad and step-mom got married, we eloped.

There are days that I wish I had put the effort in to save money and actually just have the big wedding. Then there have been days, especially in the last 3 years, being involved with big weddings, that I think Misk and I made the best decisions of our lives, to just...get it done.

We knew in our hearts that we were soul mates. We knew we would be together forever. We just needed to go through the legalities of the paperwork in our opinion. Neither one of us was a very devout person of faith, any faith, at that time, so we had resolved that just getting a justice of the peace to perform was a good idea.

It was. We had a nice day. 7 guests. the "feast" was home made meatball grinders, home made cookies, champagne and a few cases of beer (which coincidentally were mostly what our friends gave us as wedding presents). There was only one family member present; my real mother. In retrospect, I wish I had managed to get my Nana there, as she would be passing from this world not even a year later, but at the time, I didn't want a big fuss. I just wanted to get the marriage done and over with so Misk and I could get on with our lives together.

The last 10 years have been....crazy. 5 years ago, I nearly ended up divorced when Misk was first on Shore Duty, because it was then that married life, I mean what normal married people who see each other everyday (and don't have 6 month deployments, various underways and whatnot) go through. He wasn't sure he could handle being married and being a father. He got scared.....and freaked out, so to speak. But we got through it.

We've buried a child, we've lost loved ones. We gotten through various trips to and visits from our in-laws. We've got 2 beautiful daughters who mean the world to us. We've faced near poverty. A few times, we've not eaten, or taken ice-cold showers in January when we couldn't afford oil, or sat in the darkness of oil lamps and candles when we couldn't pay the electric bill for a week or two. Through it all, we have loved each other and clung onto the belief that we, together, can still love each other and deal with the problems, tragedies, and hardships that life throws at us. Through it all, we still love each other as much, if not more, as the day we were married, on that cloudy October afternoon in 1998.

Yesterday, as part of our Anniversary Celebrating, we headed to The Connecticut Renaissance Faire. Misk even consented to wearing period garb for me. I brought my camera, but did I take pictures? Nope. Well, this year the storyline of King Arthur led to the wedding of Arthur and Guinevere. It was all very sweet. After the wedding, as we left the faire grounds and headed home, I could see the "reception" going on. Arther and Guinevere were dancing. It reminded me of something we did after our wedding, at the justice of the peace's house. I gave a sigh , looked at Misk and said,

"Look babe, it's their first dance, as a married couple!" Misk let out a chuckle, and I knew he remembered what the significance of my words meant. for just about the first month of marriage, anytime we did anything we hadn't done in a while, we'd say "It's our first __________ as a married couple!" We haven't said tha stuff in quite a while, as I am sure you all realize, but in the last 24 hours, we've said it quite a few times.

Just now, as I was typing this up, Misk came over and gave me a kiss and said,

"It's our first 10-year Anniversary as a married couple!"

Indeed it is, My Love.

I Love You....
With All of my heart, and all of my soul,
For all that I am, forever and ever.....AMEN!

Happy 10th Anniversary to Us.


Monday, October 06, 2008

Come my little friends, As we all sing a happy little working song...

It's a Bullet Monday... too tired to write a full post.

  • I made almost nothing for tips last night. The bar was dead at 10:30 pm and I was forced to sit there til Midnight. More Sucktacular Sunday.

  • Today the weather is crappy again, and it is keeping me in a foul mood. I love Autumn, but I hate cold, cloudy, rain-looming days.

  • I have to work again today, of course, and at the moment, it is the bright spot in my dreary day. I really cannot wait to be there. I never imagined I would find a job I liked so dang much!

  • I seriously need to get some more music for my iPod. Or make up some good playlists. Since I can listen at work, it's helped me stay focused. I work better with music.

  • My anniversary is Sunday. Misk got me my present already and I haven't a clue what to get him. we weren't supposed to be getting presents for each other this year, even though it's a milestone. Then he gets me "Guitar Hero Aerosmith". I asked him what he wants. his answer? A gift certificate. How original. I think I'll get him a new watch, his is falling apart.

  • I miss my friends. I was invited to hang with them yesterday, but couldn't because I had to work. I think they are all coming to the Renaissance Faire with me on Saturday though. A girl can hope! I'm lonely without them.

  • I can't figure out how to get Blogger's bullets to delete in-between so I can space stuff out. this frustrates me...oh well.

That's all for today. Have a great Monday.


Sunday, October 05, 2008

Are you ready for some football?

Today has been a SUCK-tacular day.

When I woke this morning it was cloudy and obvious it had been raining. I thought to myself, they will cancel the game for sure. Nope, not a chance! So Em and I went to the game. Now granted the rain had lessened to a drizzle, but it was pretty cold still. OK cold we can handle right?

We get to the field, and guess what? It starts RAINING....light at first...then harder...then harder...then of course, it's time for the game. About half the cheerleaders didn't show up in the first place. Those that did were by now soaking wet, shivering, and miserable. I made Emily wear her raincoat over her uniform. And she had a sweater underneath. I didn't care, I wasn't about to let my child get sick because the league made a bad decision to let the game go on.

After about 3 or 4 cheers we coaches decided to let the kids stand under their parent's umbrellas and had a little pow wow. Some of the parents came up and said they were taking their kid home. We couldn't stop them, and honestly, I would have done the same thing. Finally the head coach made up her mind -- we were going home. The poor boys kept on playing.

Today thoroughly frustrated me. The league did not want to cancel because they had already canceled 3 games this season. The problem is that 1 of the 3 they did cancel could have played because they canceled the night before, and the day of, it was gorgeous. Another game day canceled it had rained over night, but it was drying out nicely. What the league was thinking, I can't begin to imagine.

This league, from coaches to structure to parents and players is the most undisciplined, unorganized club I have ever been a part of. The head flag cheer coach and I have tried, unsuccessfully, to procure information, schedules, and rules, only to be denied or given ambivalent answers. We then are cornered by parents who want answers and we have none to give them. It make us look bad, and makes me feel like crap. I have decided next year NOT to be a coach for the flag cheer. I don't have the time or patience for the crap I deal with -- kids who won't practice, parents who don't bring their kids to practice or game on time, and an organization who can't get their shit together.

We have a cheer competition in less than 3 weeks. My age group is going to look like total crap and I will thoroughly be embarrassed to be there. We only JUST got our uniforms given out today because the head of cheerleading failed to order the uniforms on time, since she waited until SEPTEMBER to stop letting people join the league. How the league can do this to the coaches and the girls is beyond me. it's pathetic. And it makes me mad as hell.

I am not sure I will do much more than be a parent next year. Honestly, with my job now, I miss half of practices as it is. Plus, honestly, I'd rather not give myself the stress of trying to wade through the mess that is this league. I simply haven't the patience

Friday, October 03, 2008

Everybody's workin' for the weekend.....

And so, my first official week at Corporate America has ended!

It was a long week, but I learned a lot. I also made a couple good friends at work, and that makes me warm and fuzzy. One friend will officially be a supervisor come November, and she has entrusted me to learn the accounts she usually handles because she thinks I do so well and learn quick, and have good attention to detail.

I feel so awesome. I cannot describe my happiness in this perfect, perfect job.

As I was typing this up, Misk offered to give me my Anniversary Present a week early. Of course I said yes!

What did he get me? Only the wickedly awesomest game out there today --

Have I mentioned that I have the BEST HUSBAND EVER??? No? WELL I DO!!

Now I am off to play with my new game. Hope you all have a great weekend!


p.s. sorry for the short post, but my wickedly super awesome Anniversary present has completely wiped any other thoughts I wanted to put down. maybe tomorrow will be a longer post.....