Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Sucked Her In!

Nessa has started her own blog, and even mentions me in it! I feel incredibly humbled that I inspired her...I can now chalk up two people I got into blogging...Mimi being the other one...anyway, here's Nessa's Blog - Write Life Crisis

Hope you enjoy! And make sure to tell Nessa that Cissa sent you!

8 flame(s) added to the fire:

Gingers Mom said...

Just popping in from Dr. John's. Military wives category is top of my list.
I get a kick out of getting my friends to blog too.

Louisiana said...

another blogger and another friend to be to many..another gift..dr. John sent me in his marathon of the month.

Jan said...

Dr. John sent via his marathon.

Margaret said...

How'd ya' do it! I try to get some friends and family into blogging - but they won't budge. I'll make sure to pay Nessa a visit and welcome her to the wonderful world of Blogging.

(Stopping by via Dr. John's mini-marathon today.)

Tina Dray said...

Just jogging by on Dr Johns Marathon!

Dr.John said...

Cissa sent me. Woops! That was for the other blog.> I get so confused. So many blogs, so little time.

Jan said...

How are you? Please post as soon as you can, dr. John got me interested in you during the marathon and I need you to post to feed my information habbit....ok so I am nosey and hope all is well and BLAME it on Dr. John's marathon last week.

Anonymous said...

Hi liked reading your blog Dr John sent me.Wish you well