Friday, September 02, 2005

An Apology

Yesterday in my post, I complained about the US not recieveing Aid from foreign countries. I need to apologize to you Canadians out there. And to clarify myself...

I got word from my friend Jen that Canada has aid all ready to go, they are just waiting on the US to ask for Aid. That is wonderful. I should add that I think of Canada as the US sometimes. Yes, I know technically they are a foreign country. But they are attached to the US and we make up North America. So alot of the time, I just think of Canada as one of us. I hope that doesn't insult or upset any of you. It's just second nature to me to think of Canada as a part of America. Especially since I have friends there. And it's so close. I guess it's my mistake. I should have said "overseas aid".

Then I realized that peraps other countries do have aid, they are just waiting for us to ask for it. It's not entirely a pipe dream. The news here is so set on reporting the destruction/devastation, and resulting violence, I think news of aid is being sent to the back's probable anyway...

So, sorry for my misinformed rant....but that's how I was feeling at the time....

2 flame(s) added to the fire:

jeopardygirl said...

No apology necessary, kiddo.

Bilingual Blah Girl said...

Sorry this comes so late but this is important to me so I wanted to say it: IIRC, Germany (or maybe it was just the state I live in, Bavaria) offered help pretty soon, too, but the US said they didn't need it or want it at first. As I said, I'm not exactly sure about it, but I think that was reported on the radio.