Good lord, I haven't updated my blog in I suppose I will, and give you all an update on lil' ole' me....
Well, let's see... My youngest daughter is now officially 2 years old! We had her birthday party in our yard, and a few friends, neighbors and my mum and step-dad came. She had a good time. too bad the swing set we ordered for her only came in yesterday!! But I will get it and put it togehter so the girls can enjoy a few weeks of it, before we have to cover it up for the winter... *sigh*
I have been super busy and man am I tired from it all!
Oh yes, and then there is my was working fine yesterday morning. Then all of a sudden, it's wasn't working. Called maintenance, and the maintenance guy went and got a new fuse, but I am fearing the worst since it didn't work when he put a new fuse in...oh! there's the door....maybe he's back?
YES!! He is back....and he is putting a new fuse holder in with TWO new fuses....and now to check the dryer....
WOO-HOO!!! MY DRYER IS WORKING!!! THANKS BE TO GOD!! I thought I was gonna cry if I had to pay for an appliance repairman...I have enough bills as it is!
Ya know, it's sad. I just realized that my whole little world depended on if my dryer was going to be working. Good lord...I am getting old and turning into a reall Homemaker. But I digress; onto other subjects...
I have spent the last 6 years in Hawaii and Florida. Both are fairly constant in weather and temperature, and I have had the good fortune to not have any allergies as far as I knew. Last Saturday, my eyes began burning, got itchy, watery, and my nose and sinuses got stuffed up. I attributed it to the Mums I had in my car for 5 minutes....Sunday, they just got worse when we went apple picking. By Monday, I had had enough. I couldn't even put my contacts in! So I went to the doctor. Turns out, my body is not adjusting well to the season changing, and now I will have seasonal allergies for life...lovely...At least I got a good prescription, and I am happy to report, I am back to normal...for now anyway!
So I think that about wraps up my life in the last 2 weeks. Odd to think it is almost October! I look forward to pumpkin picking and Halloween...and leaves changing. I have missed that the most about living in New England these past 6 years. And now, I will get to experience the Beautiful Majesty of Autumn once more!
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
My, how Time flies....
This Fire Sparked by Cissa Fireheart at 9/28/2005 10:24:00 AM 0 flame(s) added to the fire
Friday, September 02, 2005
An Apology
Yesterday in my post, I complained about the US not recieveing Aid from foreign countries. I need to apologize to you Canadians out there. And to clarify myself...
I got word from my friend Jen that Canada has aid all ready to go, they are just waiting on the US to ask for Aid. That is wonderful. I should add that I think of Canada as the US sometimes. Yes, I know technically they are a foreign country. But they are attached to the US and we make up North America. So alot of the time, I just think of Canada as one of us. I hope that doesn't insult or upset any of you. It's just second nature to me to think of Canada as a part of America. Especially since I have friends there. And it's so close. I guess it's my mistake. I should have said "overseas aid".
Then I realized that peraps other countries do have aid, they are just waiting for us to ask for it. It's not entirely a pipe dream. The news here is so set on reporting the destruction/devastation, and resulting violence, I think news of aid is being sent to the back's probable anyway...
So, sorry for my misinformed rant....but that's how I was feeling at the time....
This Fire Sparked by Cissa Fireheart at 9/02/2005 12:04:00 PM 2 flame(s) added to the fire
Thursday, September 01, 2005
That F****ing Town!
This hilarious story had me rolling. In light of my heavier post from earlier, I thought I would put a smile on all of your faces.....
Brits driving Austrians bonkers over rude village name
The funny thing is the Austrians just don't get that "F**K" is a slang word for sex in our vocabulary. So everythign they say seriously just had me in a fit of giggles! Those crazy Brits! I wonder if any of them are selling the signs on eBay? LMAO I would seriously bid on one! HAHA!
This Fire Sparked by Cissa Fireheart at 9/01/2005 12:25:00 PM 0 flame(s) added to the fire
Birthdays and Weather
Yesterday was my birthday. While the day didn't start out well, it ended on a positive note. I talked to my sister for nearly an hour. I got a check from my dad and step-mom, which was great for my evening's activities. I even won a bit of money when I went to the casino with 2 friends. And I got to talk to my husband late last night after I arrived home. It was overall a good day....
Like so many people, Hurricane Katrina has completely blown me away with the damage to the South. I cannot fathom the streets of New Orleans are now practically part of the Mississippi River! Having just been near New Orleans, and spent some time in Biloxi, I am flabergasted at the fact that much of those two places either is GONE, or under water.
I belong to a message forum. Someone there brought up a very good point today. It's been 3 or 4 days since the hurricane, and not one foreign country has offered aid to the U.S. -- yet when the Tsunami hit last year, the USA lead the donation pool. Why is it, that no one has offered help or condolences to us yet? Makes me angry to be honest. Just because we are the richest overall country does not mean this was any less devastating to us than the Tsunami last year, or earthquakes, etc.
I am having definite second thoughts on sending any donations to foriegn aid the next time something happens. Why help countries who won't aid us in return?
If any of my friends read this, I ask you to please keep the states of Lousiana, Missippi and Alabama in your thoughts and prayers. So many families, homes, and businesses have been destroyed by Hurricane Katrina. Please pray that they can make it through this unfathomably devastating time.
This Fire Sparked by Cissa Fireheart at 9/01/2005 12:09:00 PM 1 flame(s) added to the fire