Wednesday, January 31, 2007

He's Home!!

After 6 long months, Hubby has returned to me! He arrived home Saturday, 2 days early, and I only had 6 hours to prepare. Needless to say, I was running around like a Chicken with my head cut off!! But we made it to the pier, and soon enough (although at the time it seemed to take forever) the boat pulled u to the dock and the guys came off. My friend Sophia won first kiss, and it was awesome to see it. Then ZB and Ange also got their kisses, and I waited a few more minutes...after what seemed an eternity, I saw Hubby's amble, and tried not to show the shock of his weight loss...WOW...I ran up to him, Kaity in my arms, and gave him a long kiss....As I hugged Him, I could hear Kaity say quietly "Daaaddyyyy!" It was awesome...

So, Hubby's been back a few days now, and we all are trying to get back into a regular grove here at Fireheart House. We're doing alright, and I think all adjusting well. I am glad to have him home. He's on a couple weeks leave, and during that time, we'll be taking a little getaway to Foxwoods Resort Casino without the kids, My sister is coming to visit from Boston, and even shopping for a car for me. All in all, it's looking to be a good year so far...

So if you don't hear from me for a while, I am sure you will all understand why....

Wednesday, January 24, 2007


Is this thing on? yes I am here...sorta...I have been super busy and/or had no motivation for writing lately. Everything will be explained in time, but now is not the time to do it. Sorry folks, too much to do, and not enough hours in the day. But I wanted to let you know I am here...the template may go a little nuts in the upcoming weeks. I switched to the new blogger and am trying to figure it out. I need to contact Pixie, I am please bear with me......

I hope Everyone's New Year has been off to a good start!
