Wednesday, July 02, 2008

On Vacation, no posts....for a little while, anyway

Hey Folks,

I know I said I would be writing, but you know, I am just having such a nice vacation, I keep forgetting to blog...and to be honest, when I do remember, I don't really want to. I think I am a little burnt out (and not just my time in the sun this last week). So I think a Vacation is just what the doctor ordered. I know I feel a lot better than I have in a few weeks!

By the time I arrive home on Sunday, I am guessing that I will have lots to say...but for now? I am reveling in a Vineyard Summer.

I feel like a kid again. I am only missing some of my old friends...growing up is sometimes a bummer.

I hope you all have a great 4th of July. I will be celebrating My Country's Birthday with My Favorite Sailor and my family.


7 flame(s) added to the fire:

Anonymous said...

Enjoy your break girlie. We all need those every once in a while. Relax and recoup. We will all be here upon your return.

Happy 4th to you and your family.

Anonymous said...

Relax, redlax, relax, relax! Man, I'm envious right now! :-(

I plan on taking my break from everything later this month... we'll see how that goes.

Have fun Miss Thang!

Anonymous said...

ha ha ha - - woops... my fingers got the best of me. (and no, I don't mean that as it sounds - lol)

Anonymous said...

Happy, happy, happy 4th of July! Being that I know you love NY, here's a special gift from me to you: Have a blast this weekend!
Eh hem - - you better have pictures! :-)

Rich | Championable said...

Yo, Dude!

Enjoy the time off.

Anonymous said...

Just stopping over to say hi :)

Anonymous said...

Hope you had a great 4th! enjoy your time, girl!